• TYO
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About us

[EN]We are a creative collective based in Berlin, Amsterdam, and Paris. Our members bring diverse expertise, including producers, architects, designers, editors, and culinary artists.
With perspectives rooted in European living, a deep understanding of local culture, up-to-date insights, and emerging trends, we serve as a hub for projects between Europe and Japan, providing highly specialized and committed contributions.



[EN]yy leverages each member's expertise and network to assign the most suitable team for each project, delivering high value to society in collaboration with our clients.


01.Business & Strategy

Corporate Planning & Strategy / New Business Development

02.Architecture & Design

Architecture & Space Design

03.Branding & Visual Design

Branding / Visual Design / Art Direction / Movie&Photography Direction

04.Content & Media

Content Planning, Creation&Editing / Media Planning,
Development & Social Media Management

05.Development & Technology

Frontend&Backend Development / Website Development

06.Japanese Culture & Food

Japanese Food / Japanese Natural Wine

  • Mineaki KamadaProducer

    Born in 1983 in Kanagawa, Japan. Graduated from the School of Sociology at Kansei Gakuin University and joined Dentsu Inc. in 2006. After working as a media and PR planner, engaged in business development projects that went beyond the traditional advertising domain, such as establishing joint ventures with media companies and launching media platforms specializing in Japanese culture. Involved in a wide range of projects, from Japanese cultural initiatives to space ventures. Occasionally works as a radio personality.


  • Raybun Funaki Architect

    1987: Born in Ibaraki, Japan. 2010: Graduated from department of architecture, Shibaura Institute of Technology. 2013: Completed the master course of architecture, Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Paris-Belleville. 2016: Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Paris-Belleville Lecturer of Workshop. 2017: Established studio D architects.

    1987年茨城県生まれ。2010年芝浦工業大学建築工学科を卒業。2013年フランス、パリ・ベルヴィル建築大学修士課程修了。パリとベルリンでの設計事務所勤務を経て、2017年にstudio D architectsを設立。現在、東京とベルリンを拠点にアジアとヨーロッパで設計、改修、都市計画の活動を行っている。パリ・ベルヴィル建築大学2016年度非常勤講師。

  • Shinya Shimazaki Art Director

    Born in Shiga, Japan, in 1984. After graduating from a technical college, I worked as a designer and front-end engineer at a design firm in Tokyo, specializing in branding websites and design projects. In 2015, I began working independently, and in 2018, I relocated to Berlin. My work combines a dual approach of design and front-end engineering to create innovative and impactful projects.


  • Noriyuki Oka Content Producer

    After graduating from Keio University's Faculty of Economics in 2009, he joined a PR firm, and in 2011, he started his career as an independent journalist and writer. Since then, he has expanded his writing field to business, technology, and marketing, and has also been involved in managing corporate owned media. In 2013, he moved to Singapore, where he started hiring full-time contributors and networking with freelance journalists, and became an editor. He has written for about 30 influential media outlets, including Toyo Keizai Online and NewsPicks. He is co-author of “Millennial and Gen Z's ‘New’ Values” and “Future Retail: The Retail Experience of the Future, Unraveled from the Latest Case Studies in Europe and the US”. Podcasts “Global Insight”. Also operates GUBI GUBI, an importer and online store for natural wines from Japan.

    2009年慶應義塾大学経済学部を卒業後、PR会社に入社。2011年に独立し、ライターとしてのキャリアを歩み始める。その後、記事執筆の分野をビジネス、テクノロジー、マーケティングへと広げ、企業のオウンドメディア運営にも従事。2013年シンガポールに進出。事業拡大にともない、専属ライターの採用、海外在住ライターのネットワーキングを開始し、編集者へと転向。2015年オランダに進出し、現在はアムステルダムを拠点に活動。これまで「東洋経済オンライン」や「NewsPicks」など有力メディア約30媒体で連載を担当。共著に『ミレニアル・Z世代の「新」価値観』『フューチャーリテール ~欧米の最新事例から紐解く、未来の小売体験~』。ポッドキャスト『グローバル・インサイト』。日本の自然派ワインのインポーター兼オンラインストア「GUBI GUBI」も運営中。